Saturday 15 October 2011

iPhone Field Agent app — Get paid to spy?

A NEW iPhone app is paying shoppers to provide retailers with in-store intelligence such as staff performance and competitor pricing.

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A NEW iPhone app is paying shoppers to provide retailers with in-store intelligence such as staff performance and competitor pricing.

The Apple iPhone 4.

The Field Agent app, which was launched in Australia in September, is the latest weapon being used by retailers to crowd-source in-store spies to help give them a competitive edge.

Companies simply list the job they need done on the app - whether it's to take a photo of a counter display or to check the price of a certain product. Shoppers then select a job in their area and once the job is completed - in about five to 15 minutes - they are paid anywhere between $4 and $20.

The Field Agent app is retailers' latest weapon.

Penny McConnell of Hudsons Coffee, which has 64 stores across the country, used the app to help monitor the national roll-out of a recent promotion, which offered a $2 bagel with any coffee purchase.

''We basically wanted to see if our stores were displaying the correct marketing material for the promotion and if the staff were actually offering customers the deal,'' Ms McConnell said.

She said she would have not been able to assess the store compliance of the promotion as effectively or as cheaply using traditional mystery shopping services or her own staff.

''The major benefit for us is having eyes on the ground in our stores without having to be there. Basically, we get to see what's happening in our stores at all times throughout the day.''

Steve Haas, a research officer who has so far carried out half a dozen jobs on the free Field Agent app, says it is an easy way to earn extra money. The app has a GPS function that enables users to choose jobs close to where they are.

''The other day I was in the city so I tapped in and saw there was a job just around the corner. I popped into the store, took a photo, answered a couple of simple questions and sent it through. It was done in about five minutes.''

Kate Gorman, of Field Agent, said companies were using it for a variety of purposes - to check that certain products were on shelves, particular items had been discounted in accordance with a promotion, or that staff were meeting certain customer service standards.

The app was launched in the United States about a year ago and now has more than 100,000 users. ''In the US, all the major brands … are using it as a crowdsourcing tool to utilise all the people that are already out … shopping,'' said Ms Gorman.


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