Sunday 4 September 2011

Turn into Android, says BlackBerry

RIM is planning to enable future BlackBerry devices to run Android Apps, a quick way to leverage the power of a much larger development base. BlackBerrys that run on RIM's new QNX software will be Android compatible.

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Turn into Android, says BlackBerry

Rolling Meadows-based RIM is rebuilding its range of devices around QNX and is looking to add features that appeal to customers who had grown weary of the aging BlackBerry portfolio and its narrower selection of apps. There are more than 250,000 apps available from Google's Android Market, or about six times as many as in RIM's App World, a factor in helping Android become the world's top Smartphone platform.

“Being able to run Android apps, that’s a big plus,” said Steven Li, a Raymond James Ltd. analyst in Toronto with an “outperform” rating on the stock. “If you get the tonnage of Android apps and the top 50 apps through BlackBerry’s App World that addresses many of the concerns people have about RIM’s ecosystem.”

The PlayBook was criticized on its debut in mid-April for its lack of a built-in e-mail system and a dearth of apps compared with Apple’s more popular iPad.


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