Monday 22 August 2011

Turning Electrical Goods Into Pure Gold

Amplify’d from

Did You Know You Could Rip Apart Your Computer and Melt the Circuit Boards for Gold?

Did You Know You Could Rip Apart Your Computer and Melt the Circuit Boards for Gold?Gold is like so in right now. And not even just for jewelry! I mean, it's over $1900—that's big money making opportunity. So it's not that bat-shit crazy to melt your electronic circuit boards and tear apart your phone to create a gold nugget, right?

That's exactly what Jem Stansfield did. He cut apart his old computer circuit boards and ripped his old phone apart (there's gold in the SIM card port and numberpad) and then poured concentrated nitric acid (which dissolves a ton o' stuff) all over it. It didn't get rid of everything so he went bold: he used a concoction of acid to make all the gold disappear. A sorta reverse methodology. Once it turned to this disgusting black milky liquid, he added A LOT of super scientific powder to get gold and then blasted it with intense heat to make it shine once again. All that work and he made this:

I'm not about to suggest you take all your old computers and do the same but WE SHOULD ALL DO THE SAME THING. It's the modern day gold mining, people. Don't be left behind when I'm rolling the dough of multi-thousand dollar bills. Sure, you might melt your hand off with all that acid but gold! Gold! GOLD! Watch the entire video of what Jems Stanfield did here.[BBC]

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