Wednesday 21 December 2011

A Christmas Note

Christmas is fast approaching, and there's no other time quite like it.

It's that time when the sudden influx of leads in the North Pole region makes you want to bear hug everyone you pass on the street.

It's the time when you slip on your favorite reindeer suit and prance about the neighborhood in search of a quiet family dinner to crash.

It's at festive gatherings like these where unforgettable memories are made. You can always count on your normally reserved cube mate to have one too many peppermintinis, then promptly do a YouTube®-worthy version of The Worm on the dance floor.

I guess that's why they call it the most wonderful time of the year. To everyone who celebrates anything, have a recklessly gluttonous holiday.

Happy Holidays From T.R.A.C.K Property Management

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